The factions of Cyber City are battling for dominance in a War of Factions. Either take over an existing faction or form your own Crew of Heroes to seize control of the city in TFT Set 14 - Cyber City.
New Champions & Traits
Cyber City brings a fresh lineup of Champions, featuring the return of the
TFT-exclusive Kobuko and the debut of 5-cost Aurora . Golden Ox introduces a new
mechanic focused on spending gold, while Cypher adds an exciting new dynamic to loss
streak strategies. Explore all the new content below!
New Set Mechanic: Hacks Throughout the game, you'll encounter around three "Hacks," which can provide
various bonuses or even alter the rules of the game. These may include choices like
selecting between 1 gold or 2 silver augments (allowing up to 4 AUGMENTS!), hacked
shops with 2-star units, or the return of beloved augments through the Black Market,
such as Think Fast and Cruel Pact.
New Tacticians and Cosmetics! A New Forecast Janna Chibi, a host of new Little Legends and Arenas, and a new
Unbound Tactician - Project Vayne Unbound. Set 14 also introduces a new cosmetic
type - Portals - allowing you to customise how you jump to players boards. View them
all here
Set Mechanic
Hacks have infiltrated the core TFT systems, like opening encounters, shops,
orbs, carousels, and even augments. They'll alter your game in any number of
ways at any time. Don't worry, these hackers are on our sides, they'll all
appear to everyone at equal rates. Some examples include an Augment hack that
presents you with a choice, one stronger augment or two weaker ones. Hacked
augments will also be introduced, with Think Fast returning as a hacked augment!
Perhaps your opening shops will have tailored units, or cause two star champs to
appear. Carousels may sometimes have extra items or anvils. It's not a bug, it's
a feature!

Dr. Mundo
Flex On 'Em Passive: Gain 0.3% more max Health from all sources.
Active: Flex, healing 0.02 + 75/115/175 (Health & AP) Health, then deal 1.3 + 0.2 (Health & AD) Physical Damage to the current target.

Ion Barrier Gain 350/425/525 (AP) Shield for 4 seconds and deal 110/165/250 (AP) Magic Damage to adjacent enemies.

Rev Up Fire wolf at the current target, dealing 5.2 + 20/30/45 (AD) physical damage. Overkill damage bounces to the nearest enemy.

Fire at Will For the next 5 seconds, gain 0.5% Attack Speed and attacks deal 0.4 (AD) bonus physical damage.

Short Circuit Hack the target and the nearest non-hacked enemy, dealing 195/290/480 (AP) Magic Damage over 10 seconds.

Charged Claws Deal 210/315/475 (AP) Magic Damage to the current target and 80/120/180 (AP) Magic Damage to the [modifiednumtargets] nearest enemies. Heal 100/125/210 Health + 20/25/40 per enemy hit.

Buckler Toss Throw a buckler at the farthest enemy within 4 hexes, dealing 1.6/2.4/3.6 (Armor & AP) Magic Damage to them and [bossdamage] (Armor & AP) Magic Damage to enemies within 1 hex. Gain 375/450/525 (AP) Shield.

Ping() Fire a soundwave through the current target that deals 220/330/500 (AP) magic damage, reduced by 0.4% for each enemy hit.

Felony Fantastique Passive: Gain 0.015% Attack Damage for each kill this game.
Active: Deal 3.4 + 40/60/90 (AD) Physical Damage to the current target.
Kingpin bonus: Teleport behind the lowest Health enemy within 4 hexes and deal 0.75 (AD) bonus physical damage. If this kills, immediately cast again with 0.9% damage.

Chains of the Pack Gain 150/200/250 (AP) max Health and deal 0.1 + 100/150/225 (AP & Health) Magic Damage to the current target. If they die, gain an additional 75/100/125 Health.

Block Chain Gain [totalshield] (AP & Health) Shield that rapidly decays over 4 seconds. Vi's next attack deals 5 (AD) physical damage.

Stroke of Brilliance Send a large vine towards the current target, Stunning them for 1 second and dealing 250/375/585 (AP) magic damage. Send a smaller vine at the nearest target that deals 120/180/270 (AP) magic damage.

Kneecapper Heal 0.05 + 200/220/240 (AP & Health) Health, then deal 2 (AD) Physical Damage and 0.2% Sunder enemies within 1 hex for 6 seconds.
Kingpin bonus: Increase Ability range to 4 hexes. Damage reduced by 0.1% per hex away. Heal 0.02 + 50 (Health) Health for each enemy hit.

Paintover Heal 280/340/425 (AP) Health and deal 180/270/410 (AP) Magic Damage to the current target.

Buckshot of Midas Passive: Attacks fire 5 projectiles in a cone that deal 0.35 (AD) Physical Damage each. Graves casts every 2 attacks.
Active: Dash next to the target and quickly fire 2 empowered shells that deal 6/9/16 + 0.4/0.4/0.45 (AD & AP) Physical Damage per projectile.

Bionic Battle Bear Heal 350/400/500 (AP) Health. Deal 150/225/350 (AP) Magic Damage the current target and 60/90/140 (AP) to enemies within 1-hex. Reduce their Magic Resist by 15 for the rest of combat.

Logic Bomb Fire a bouncing grenade that hits four enemies, dealing 1.44 (AD) Physical Damage and 0.2% Sundering them for 4.4 (AP) seconds. The fourth bounce returns to the initial target and deals 3.84 (AD) physical damage.

Data Spike Send [modifiedsigilcount] sigils, alternating between the current target and the next nearest enemy, each dealing 65/95/145 (AP) magic damage. Every cast, send 1 more sigil.

Alpha Protocol Passive: Gain 0.15 (AP) Omnivamp.
Active: Deal 2.65 (AD) Physical Damage to the current target. Then, summon [modifiednumpackmates] packmates that deal 0.65/0.65/0.7 (AD) Physical Damage and [modifiednumgigadogs] Alphas that deal 1.65/1.65/1.75 (AD) Physical Damage to the current target.

Reaping Slash Knock the target into the air for 1.75 seconds. Over the duration, heal [modifiedheal] (AP & Health) Health and deal 4 (AD) Physical Damage to the target.

Burnout First cast: Every second for the rest of combat, heal 0.01 + 10/13/16 (AP & Health) Health and deal 18/27/40 + 0.01 (AP & Health) Magic Damage to adjacent enemies.
Gain 200/250/300 (AP) max Health and 0.1% Damage Amp.

Missile Defense Gain 325/375/450 (AP) Shield for 3 seconds and dredge up a missile. When the Shield ends, hurl the missile at the group of most enemies within [modifiedcastrange] (Range) hexes, dealing [totaldamage] (Armor) Magic Damage to the centermost enemy, and 0.5% of the damage to enemies adjacent to them.

Twisted Fate
Ace High Passive: Gain 3 Ability Power each Attack.
Active: Throw a card at the current target and next nearest target, dealing 160/240/375 (AP) magic damage.
Kingpin bonus: Throw all three special cards at three nearby enemies. Red card hits enemies in a 1-hex area. Blue card deals 0.5% of its damage as true damage. Rarely, Yellow card grants gold.

Bat Bolts Rapidly fire 3 attacks. The first two deal 0.5 (AD) bonus true damage, and the final attack deals 1.5 + 10/15/25 (AD) bonus true damage.

Cyber Supremacy Deal 300/400/540 (AP) Magic Damage to the current target and 90/120/150 (AP) Magic Damage to adjacent enemies.
If Veigar is the same star level as the target, deal 0.2% true damage. If Veigar is a higher star level, deal 0.33% true damage.

Protection Racket Gain 450/475/500 (AP & Health) Shield for 4 seconds. When it breaks, deal 100/150/240 (AP) Magic Damage to the 3 closest enemies and Chill them for 3 seconds.
Kingpin bonus: Gain 100 Armor and Magic Resist. Every 2 seconds, Braum's next attack deals 1 + 1 + 0.1 (Armor & MR & Health) bonus magic damage.

Cache Hack Hurl two massive axes at the most enemies in a line, dealing 3.3/3.3/3.4 + 30/45/80 (AD & AP) Physical Damage before returning. Damage is reduced by 0.2% for each enemy hit.

Fire on all Cylinders Fire 4 lasers at the current target and 4 more split between the nearest 2 enemies, each dealing 54/81/140 (AP) Magic Damage and reducing Magic Resist by 6 for the rest of combat.

3RR0R For 3 seconds, tether to the closest 3 enemies, dealing 240/360/575 (AP) Magic Damage per second split between them. Tethers apply 0.2% Shred and heal Fiddlesticks for 0.15% of the damage dealt.

Stonewall Gain [modifieddurability] (AP) Durability for 3 seconds. Afterwards, heal 250/300/400 (AP) Health and send a whirlwind at the enemy within 3 hexes that dealt the most damage to Galio during that time. It deals 150/225/335 (AP) Magic Damage and Stuns for 1.5 seconds.

Corporate Mixer Heal 300/325/350 + 0.1 (Health & AP) Health, then throw a cask at the largest group of enemies within 3 hexes, dealing 150/225/335 (AP) Magic Damage to enemies within 1 hex.

Jarvan IV
Half-Moon Sweep Strike the most enemies in a semi-circle, gaining 270/300/350 (AP) Shield for 4 seconds plus 30/50/80 (AP) per enemy hit. Deal 1.2 (AD) Physical Damage to enemies hit and reduce their Armor by 15/18/20 for the rest of combat.

Rampant Vandalism Fire [modifiedrockets] rockets at random enemies within 2 hexes of the current target. Each rocket deals 1.4/1.4/1.5 (AD) physical damage. Each cast fires an additional rocket.

Antivirus Gain 475/525/700 (AP) Shield for 4 seconds. Slam the current target, dealing 200/300/500 (AP) Magic Damage in a 2-hex line and Stun all enemies hit for 1.25 seconds.

Freestyle Heal 160/200/250 (AP) Health and leap to the lowest Health enemy in [modifiedhexrange] hexes, dealing 2.5 (AD) physical damage. Then, strike 2 times, each dealing 1.8 (AD) physical damage.
Each cast increases leap range by 1 hex.

Ion Beam Passive: Attacks deal 0.33 (AD) Physical Damage to enemies adjacent to the target.
Active: Fire a beam two hexes beyond the current target, dealing 4/4/4.2 + 20/30/45 (AD) Physical Damage to enemies hit.

Malware Chain Fire a chain that deals 200/300/480 (AP) Magic Damage and Stuns for 1 seconds. The chain links to the 3 closest enemies, dealing 100/150/240 (AP) Magic Damage to each.

Yuum.AI Passive: Gain [totalmanareduction] Mana every second.
Active: Launch a magic missile at the current target that bounces to the nearest enemy. Deal 100/150/240 (AP) Magic Damage to the current target and 50/75/120 (AP) to the other, marking both of them. If they're already marked, deal 2% damage.

Goldilocks Throw a fireball at the current target that deals 175/265/790 (AP) Magic Damage and [totalnumfireballs] mini-fireballs split between the target and 2 nearby enemies that deal 40/60/180 (AP) Magic Damage each.
Every 4 casts, instead, summon Tibbers next to the current target, dealing 270/405/1215 (AP) Magic Damage to enemies within 1 hex.

Moonlight Vigil Fire a moon blast at the largest group of enemies that deals [totalblastdamage] (AD & AP) Physical Damage to enemies within 2 hexes.
Equip 4 Chakram, plus 1 more for each enemy hit by the blast, that last for 6 attacks and deal 0.07/0.07/0.2 (AD) bonus Physical Damage each.

Paint Bomb Throw a paint bomb at the largest group of enemies within [modifiedcastrange] (Range) hexes, dealing 200/300/900 (AP) Magic Damage to enemies within 1 hex and 100/150/450 (AP) Magic Damage to the nearest 4 enemies.

Sonic Scream Fire a disorienting sound blast in a cone, dealing 100/150/1500 + 0.03 (AP & Health) magic damage. Gain max Health, get bigger, and increase the size of future sound blasts.

Solar Flare Gain [modifieddurability] (AP) Durability for 4 seconds. Deal 100/150/1200 (AP) Magic Damage to the largest clump of enemies within 2 hexes and Stun the center enemy for 2 seconds.
Enemies damaged by this ability take 0.15/0.25/1.5 (MR) bonus Magic Damage from allies' attacks for 4/4/10 seconds.

Miss Fortune
Street Sweeper Fire 8 waves of bullets towards the largest clump of enemies over 2 seconds. Enemies struck take 0.6/0.6/1.5 + 8/12/100 (AD) Physical Damage from the first bullet of each wave, and 0.25% less from other bullets in the same wave.
Kingpin bonus: Fire 3 more waves. Bullets pierce enemies for 0.8% damage.

Pop Up Mural Gain 280/300/1500 + 0.1 (AP & Health) Shield for 4 seconds and create an expanding zone that pops three times, each dealing 80/120/360 (AP) Magic Damage to enemies hit. The third pop Chills enemies for 3 seconds.

Blue Screen Passive: Gain 0.3% more Armor and Magic Resist from all sources.
Active: Throw an EMP at the closest enemy that explodes after 2 seconds. It deals 120/180/1200 (AP) Magic Damage to enemies within 3 hexes and Stun them for 1.75/2/8 seconds.

Retribution Passive: Gain 0.15% Omnivamp. 0.8% of overhealing from Retribution's damage is converted to bonus true damage to its primary target.
Active: Send a shadow to the target, dealing 100/150/450 (AP) Magic Damage to all enemies it passes through. The shadow then explodes, dealing 220/330/900 (AP) Magic Damage to the target and 100/150/450 (AP) to enemies within 1 hex.

Buffer Overflow Impale 6 feathers into the current target that each deal 1.6/1.6/4 + 20/30/200 (AD) physical damage. When the target dies, the feathers seek out nearby enemies within 2-hexes, each dealing 0.33/0.33/1 (AD) physical damage.

Cutthroat Business Throw a shuriken at the furthest unmarked enemy that deals 60/90/400 (AP) Magic Damage and marks them. Then become untargetable, teleport to them, and summon shadows on every other marked enemy. Deal 2.5/2.5/5 (AD) Physical Damage to adjcent enemies, while shadows deal 1.5/1.5/2.75 (AD) Physical Damage to adjacent enemies.

Hyperthread Rush Dash to a nearby location so quickly an untargetable echo lingers. The echo Attacks (AD & AS) as if it were Zeri, but deals 0.5/0.5/1.2% damage.
Echoes last [modifiedduration] (AP) seconds, and disappear when Zeri dies.

Bomberyordle Throw a bomb that hits the most enemies in a whole row and column within Attack Range, dealing 275/415/1200 (AP) Magic Damage to enemies within 1 hex of the center and 100/150/450 (AP) Magic Damage to enemies further away.

Pierce the Veil On first cast, swap places with the left-most champion on your bench and continue fighting. That champion gains 0.5/1/10 (AP) Attack Speed. If the swapped champion dies, return to the board.
Teleport to hit the most enemies in a line, dealing 80/175/1111 (AP) to each one, plus 500/900/7777 (AP) split between all enemies hit.
Aurora cannot swap places with another Aurora.

Banwave Gain 700/1000/5000 (AP) Shield for 2 seconds. Deal 6.5/6.5/30 (AD) Physical Damage to the current target and send a wave that deals 2.6/2.6/15 (AD) Physical Damage to enemies hit. If the wave hits 2 or fewer enemies, gain 50 Mana.

Game Over! Passive: Attacks deal 90/135/314 (AP) bonus magic damage. At 0.35/0.35/0.9% Health, gain 0.7/0.7/4 (Health) Shield decaying over 8 seconds, 1% Attack Speed, 0.2/0.2/1% Omnivamp, and 100 Mana.
Active: Briefly gain 0.6/0.6/0.99% Durability, then pick up a nearby enemy, knocking up all enemies within 2 hexes for 1.5 seconds. Then, slam down, dealing 200/300/13370 (AP) Magic Damage to the target and 0.08/0.12/1 + 0.03/0.05/1 (AP) of the target's max Health as Magic Damage to all enemies hit.

Dominus Deal 3/3/30 + 30/40/500 (AD & AP) Physical Damage to enemies within 2 hexes and Burn, and Wound them for 5 seconds. Gain 400/550/6000 max Health.
First Cast: Enter frenzy mode where attacks strike twice, dealing [doublestriketotaldamage] (AD) total Physical Damage and can dash to new targets.
Second Cast: Frenzy mode now strikes thrice, dealing [triplestriketotaldamage] (AD) total physical damage. Cannot cast again.

Demon Trigger Dash towards the target and fire a volley of [modifiednumbullets] bullets over 2 seconds split between enemies within three hexes. Each bullet Shreds 4 Armor and deals 0.8/0.8/4 (AD) physical damage, reduced by 0.2% per hex distance from Samira (Total Damage: [totalvolleydamage] (AD)).
When the volley ends, dash back to safety while dealing 5/5/25 (AD) Physical Damage to the current target.
For the duration of the Ability, Samira is Unstoppable and has 0.25/0.25/1 (AP) Omnivamp.

Fear Beyond Death For 5/5/60 seconds, gain 1.25/1.25/5% Attack Speed and lock-on to the lowest percent Health enemy within [modifiedcastrange] (Range) hexes. Attacks also fire 3 rockets, each dealing 1/1/2 + 10/15/100 (AD) total physical damage.
Each cast, the first time a locked-on enemy falls beneath 0.15/0.15/0.95% Health, reel them in, execute them, and grind them into parts.

Holoblade Passive: When units die, absorb their soul and heal 0.06 (Health) Health.
Active: Jump to the largest clump of enemies within 2 hexes, dealing 240/360/4000 (AP) Magic Damage to adjacent enemies and 120/180/4000 (AP) Magic Damage to other enemies within 2 hexes. 20% Shred all enemies hit for 4 seconds.

Replicating Malware Passive: At 0.1% Health, split into two copies with 0.5% Health.
Active: Bounce 3 times on nearby enemies. Each bounce deals 130/195/1000 + 0.08/0.08/0.5 (AP & Health) magic damage, Stuns for 1 second, and heals Zac 80/100/2000 (AP) Health.
Anima Squad At each tier, pick a weapon that a random Anima Squad champion fires periodically during combat. Anima Squad champions gain Armor, Magic Resist, and Damage Amp. Weapons scale with Anima Squad star level and stage. 

(3) 10 Armor & MR, 5% DA
(5) 20 Armor & MR, 10% DA
(7) 30 Armor & MR, 15% DA
(10) 100 Armor & MR, 50% DA

BoomBots BoomBots fire a missile every 400 damage dealt at a nearby enemy that deals magic damage. 10% of damage taken contributes to damage dealt. 

(2) 150 Magic Damage
(4) 330 Magic Damage
(6) Fire two missiles, each dealing 200 Magic Damage

Cyberboss Your strongest Cyberboss upgrades to its final form and gains Health, Ability Power, and its ability hits more enemies. 

(2) 18% Health, 15 AP
(3) 25% Health, 25 AP
(4) All Cyberbosses upgrade. Your strongest Cyberboss instead gets 33% Health and 30 AP

Cypher Gain Intel by losing combat, increased for loss streaks. Gain a small amount for killing enemies.
You may trade your Intel for loot one time, on either round 3-3, 3-7, 4-3, or 4-7.
After trading Intel, Cypher champions gain Attack Damage and Ability Power. 

(3) 1x Intel, 25% AD & AP
(4) 1.50x Intel, 40% AD & AP
(5) 2x Intel, 50% AD & AP

Divinicorp Divinicorp champions grant unique stats to your team, increased for each Divinicorp in play. Divinicorp champions gain double. 

(1) 100% bonus.
(2) 110% bonus.
(3) 125% bonus.
(4) 145% bonus.
(5) 165% bonus.
(6) 185% bonus.
(7) 200% bonus.

Exotech Gain unique items that can only be equipped by Exotech champions. They gain Health and Attack Speed for each item equipped. 

(3) 30 Health, 2% AS,
(5) 110 Health, 3% AS,
(7) 200 Health, 7% AS,
(10) 500 Health, 40% AS, ALL Exotech Items

God of the Net After 2 player combats, open an Armory of Trait Mods that permanently reprogram a champion to benefit from a trait (but not contribute).
Every time you get a Trait Mod, the next one requires 1 additional round.

Golden Ox Golden Ox gain Damage Amp and have a chance to drop gold on kill.
If you spend ?? gold on rerolls or XP in a single turn, permanently increase their Damage Amp and the gold required for the next bonus. Rerolls count double towards gold spent.
(Golden Ox must have fought last round) 

(2) 18% DA, 20% gold
(4) 20% DA, 30% gold
(6) 22% DA, 50% loot, 8% chance loot is a component

Nitro Every round, Nitro champions grant Chrome to R-080T, based on their star level. Each Chrome grants 14 Health and 1 Ability Power.
At 200 Chrome, it upgrades to T-43X! Chrome per star: 2/3/5/7 

(3) Summon R-080T!
(4) Fire a giant laser!

Overlord The Overlord takes a bite out of the unit in the hex behind him, dealing 40% of their max Health as true damage. He gains 40% of their Health and 33% of their Attack Damage.

Soul Killer Gain a hologram copy of the highest cost enemy Viego helped kill last round. It has 600/900/3000 Health, deals 30%/40%/200% damage, and has 1 recommended item.

Street Demon Allies in painted hexes gain Health, Ability Power, and Attack Damage. Some hexes are Signature hexes and grant 50% more.
Street Demons double all bonuses. 

(3) +6% Health, 6 AP, 6% AD
(5) +10% Health, 10 AP, 10% AD
(7) +15% Health, 15 AP, 15% AD
(10) +25% Health, 25 AP, 25% AD

Syndicate Get a Kingpin hat that uniquely upgrades a Syndicate champion's ability.
Syndicate champions gain Health and Damage Amp. 

(3) 100 Health, 5% DA, 1 Kingpin
(5) 450 Health, 20% DA, 2 Kingpins
(7) 600 Health, 30% DA, Upgrade Kingpin effect

Virus The Virus infects your shop with a 10% chance to spawn a bloblet. When purchased, it merges and increases the strongest Zac's max Health by 3% and Ability Power by 5.

A.M.P. A.M.P. champions upgrade their abilities in unique ways with Amp. They also gain Health. 

(2) 1 %i:set14AmpIcon%, 100 Health
(3) 2 %i:set14AmpIcon%, 200 Health
(4) 3 %i:set14AmpIcon%, 350 Health
(5) 4 %i:set14AmpIcon%, 500 Health

Bastion Your team gains 10 Armor and Magic Resist. Bastions gain more.
For the first 10 seconds of combat, Bastions increase their bonus by 100%. 

(2) 18 Armor & MR
(4) 50 Armor & MR
(6) 90 Armor & MR Non-Bastions gain an additional 40 Armor & MR.

Bruiser Your team gains 100 Health. Bruisers gain more. 

(2) 20% Health
(4) 45% Health
(6) 75% Health

Dynamo Every 3 seconds, your team gains Mana. Dynamos gain 100% more. 

(2) 5 Mana
(3) 8 Mana
(4) 12 Mana

Executioner Executioner Abilities can critically strike. They also gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage.
If the target's Health is below 30%, the bonus Critical Strike Damage is doubled. 

(2) 25% Crit, 8% CritMult
(3) 35% Crit, 15% CritMult
(4) 45% Crit, 20% CritMult
(5) 55% Crit, 25% CritMult; also gain 15% Durability

Marksman Marksmen gain Attack Damage. After 8 seconds of combat, they increase their bonus by 100%. 

(2) 18% AD
(4) 45% AD

RapidFire Your team gains 10% Attack Speed. Rapidfire champions gain more on each attack, stacking up to 10 times.
(2) 4% AS per stack
(4) 10% AS per stack
(6) 22% AS per stack
Slayer Slayers gain Attack Damage and Omnivamp. Overhealing heals the lowest percent Health Slayer for 50% of the excess amount. 

(2) 15% AD, 15% V
(4) 40% AD, 15% V
(6) 70% AD, 20% V

Strategist Combat Start: Allies in the back 2 rows gain Damage Amp. Allies in the front 2 rows gain Durability. Strategists get triple. 

(2) 7% DA, 5% DR
(3) 11% DA, 7% DR
(4) 16% DA, 11% DR
(5) 20% DA, 14% DR

Techie Techies gain Ability Power.
Enemies hit by their abilities deal 10% less damage for 3 seconds. 

(2) 15 AP
(4) 45 AP
(6) 80 AP
(8) 110 AP Enemies hit deal 18% less damage.

Vanguard Vanguards gain 10% Durability while Shielded.
Combat start and 50% Health: Gain a max Health Shield for 10 seconds. 

(2) 16% max Health
(4) 32% max Health
(6) 40% max Health; 20% DR while Shielded


Adaptive Strikes Gain a Jax. Your strongest Jax's attacks deal bonus magic damage every 3rd attack which gets stronger each time. His ability grants Attack Speed.

Branching Out+ Gain a random Emblem and a Reforger.
Reforgers allow you to remake any item.

Button Mash Gain a Poppy. Your strongest Poppy's ability is replaced with a 3-hit Wallop.

Cease and Desist Gain a Vi. Your strongest Vi gains Attack Speed and her ability dashes to the farthest target, Stuns, and deals bonus physical damage.

Underdogs Whenever your team has fewer units alive than your opponent, your units regenerate 4% Health each second (maximum: 150).

Wolf Unchained Gain a Sylas. Your strongest Sylas's ability deals more damage and recasts on kill, but his Health gain no longer scales with Ability Power.

Alter Ego Gain a Rhaast. Your strongest Rhaast enters Shadow Assassin form and his ability is replaced with a dash and 1 hex spin. If it kills, he immediately casts again.

Anima Squad Crest Gain an Anima Squad Emblem.

Board of Directors If you have 3 or fewer Divinicorp champions, their bonuses are increased by 50% + 10% for each Stage. Gain a Rhaast and a Morgana.

BoomBots Crest Gain a BoomBots emblem.

Capacitor When Techies cast, grant the lowest Health Tech Shield equal to 200% of the Mana spent. Gain a Veigar and a Zyra.

Cognitive Implant Your Techies gain 5 Ability Power, increased by 1 for every 2 takedowns. Gain a Veigar and a Zyra.

Cower, Weaklings! Cyberboss abilities reduce the target's max Health by 15%. Cyberbosses take 15% less damage from enemies with less max Health. Gain a Poppy and a Veigar.

Cutpurse Executioners have a 7% chance to drop a gold when their attacks critically strike. Gain a Graves and Rengar.

Cyberdeck On combat start, up to 3 of your Exotech units with 2 items gain an ideal Exotech item. Gain a Jax and Naafiri.

Cybernetic Implants II Your champions holding an item gain 120 Health and 20% Attack Damage.

Divine Ascension After 12 seconds your Divinicorp champions ascend, gaining 30% Health and 45% Attack Speed. Gain a Rhaast and a Morgana.

Divinicorp Crest Gain a Divinicorp emblem.

Dummy With A Gun With Syndicate active, your Training Dummies shoot enemies. Every 2 times they attack, grant the Kingpins 3% Attack Damage and Ability Power. Gain 1 Training Dummy, a Darius, and a Twisted Fate.

Dynamo Crest Gain a Dynamo emblem.

Executioner Crest Gain an Executioner emblem.

Exotech Crest Gain an Exotech emblem.

Flatline Marksmen execute enemies under 12% Health. Every time a Marksman executes, all Marksman gain 8% Attack Speed. Gain a Jhin and a Kindred.

Freestyling Clear all painted hexes. When Street Demons start combat on a non-tagged hex, tag it. After all hexes are tagged, gain 30 gold. Gain 3 Street Demons.

Golden Fleece Each Golden Ox drops 1 gold after fighting 2 rounds. Your max interest is 7. Gain a Graves, an Alistar, and 0 gold.

Golden Fleece+ Each Golden Ox drops 1 gold after fighting 2 rounds. Your max interest is 7. Gain a Graves, an Alistar, and 4 gold.

Golden Ox Crest Gain a Golden Ox emblem.

Hostile Takeover Cypher gains 50% of its combat bonus now. Gain 200% Intel from kills, but only 20% from losses. Gain a Draven.

Hunter Killer Missile Every 10 Boombot rockets, fire an HK Missile at the highest Health enemy that deals 600% more damage. Gain a Kog'Maw and a Skarner.

Keep Your Friends Close Syndicate Kingpins gain 10% Attack Speed and 120 Health for each adjacent ally in their row. The allies gain 175 Health. Gain a Twisted Fate and a Darius.

Lethal Rerouting Slayers above 50% Health gain 20% Attack Damage. While under 50%, they gain 15% Omnivamp. Gain a Vayne and a Shaco.

Liquidate When you trade Cypher Intel, your board and bench is sold for 175% value and you gain 4 Reforgers. Gain a Draven.

Marksman Crest Gain a Marksman emblem.

Memory Bank Gain a Jhin and Morgana. Dynamos gain 4% Damage Amp. After they spend 7000 Mana, gain a Muramana and an Aurora.

New High Score Cyberbosses increase their score when they deal damage. When they reach the next high score, they gain 4% Attack Speed and bonus loot. Gain a Veigar and a Poppy.

Overclocked Your A.M.P. champions with 3 or more items gain 1 Amp. Gain 4 rerolls, a Naafiri, and a Nidalee.

Polished Chrome When you 3-star Nitro champions, they gain 16% Attack Damage, 25 Ability Power, and grant 10 Gold. Gain a Kindred and a Nidalee.

Power Leveling Anima Squad takedowns have a 20% chance to drop an XP orb that sells for 1 XP. Anima Squad units gain 2% Attack Speed for each of your player levels. Gain a Seraphine and Illaoi.

Rapidfire Crest Gain a Rapidfire emblem.

Reactive Shell Vanguards gain 8% Health. When the Vanguard Shield ends, deal 50% of the initial Shield as magic damage to their current target. Gain a Skarner and a Vi.

Reinforcing Skeleture Whenever a Bruiser dies, it permanently gains 40 Health.
Gain a Darius and Alistar.

Self-Destruct Before dying, BoomBots jump on the nearest enemy and deal 350 physical damage + 35% dealt by rockets to adjacent enemies. Gain a Kog'Maw and a Skarner.

Spare Parts Get a Nitro Hex Turret that has 50% of your total Chrome. Gain a Shyvana.

Speed Kills Rapidfire champions start at 2 stacks and can go to 20. If you win combat within 18 seconds, gain 2 gold. Gain a Twisted Fate and a Kog'Maw.

Strategist Crest Gain a Strategist Emblem.

Street Demon Crest Gain a Street Demon emblem.

Support Spire After 8 seconds in combat, a support spire grants Anima Squad a Shield, Attack Speed, or Stuns all enemies. Gain 3 Anima Squad champions.

Syndicate Crest Gain a Syndicate emblem.

Tagging Spree Signature Street Demon hexes grant 20% Attack Speed. Gain 3 Street Demons and 2 Spray Can items that create signature Street Demon hexes.

Techie Crest Gain a Techie emblem.

The Chug Bug Gain 1 Gragas. Your strongest Gragas's attacks have a chance to knockback and deal bonus magic damage. His ability heals and empowers his next attack.

The Chug Bug+ Gain 2 Gragas. Your strongest Gragas's attacks have a chance to knockback and deal bonus magic damage. His ability heals and empowers his next attack.

Transference When A.M.P. champions die, the nearest A.M.P. champion gains 1 Amp until the end of combat. Gain a Naafiri and a Nidalee.

Transistor When Bastions' start of combat bonus ends, 50% of it converts into Attack Damage and Ability Power and they gain 30% Attack Speed. Gain an Illaoi and Jax.

Trial Run Gain an Exotech Golem with a copy of each of your Exotech items. It gains 5% Health and 12% Attack Damage per Exotech star level. Gain a Jhin and a Naafiri.

Anima Squad Circlet Gain an Anima Squad Emblem and a Yuumi.

Anima Squad Crown Gain an Anima Squad Emblem, an Adaptive Helm, and an Illaoi.

Axiom Arc III Your units gain 15 Mana on kill. Gain a completed item Anvil.

Bastion Circlet Gain a Bastion Emblem and a Galio.

Binary Airdrop Combat start: Up to 4 champions holding 2 items gain a recommended 3rd completed item.

Blue Battery III Gain a Blue Buff. Your units gain 15 Ability Power. After casting their Ability, gain 10 Mana.

BoomBots Circlet Gain a BoomBots Emblem and a Fiddlesticks.

BoomBots Crown Gain a BoomBots Emblem, an Ionic Spark, and a Skarner.

Bruiser Circlet Gain a Bruiser Emblem and a Gragas.

Chemtech Overdrive Open 3 portals to Zaun on random hexes in the second row. Any unit that starts combat in a portal gains 250 Health and 30% Attack Speed, and drops 1 gold on death.

Cruel Pact Buying XP costs 6 player health instead of 4 gold. Heal 3 player health before each player combat.

Cursed Crown Gain +2 max team size, but take 100% more player damage when you lose a player combat.

Cybernetic Implants III Your champions holding an item gain 200 Health and 30% Attack Damage.

Divinicorp Circlet Gain a Divinicorp Emblem and a Senna.

Divinicorp Crown Gain a Divinicorp Emblem, a Redemption, and a Rhaast.

Dominance For every 1 surviving champions after winning a player combat, gain 1 gold. Gain 16 XP.

Double Trouble III When you field exactly 2 copies of a champion, they both gain 35% Attack Damage and 35 Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.

Dynamo Circlet Gain a Dynamo Emblem and an Elise.

Dynamo Crown Gain a Dynamo Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Jhin.

Endless Hordes Gain +3 maximum team size, but your units can only hold 1 item and their total health is reduced by 20%. Gain 2 gold.

Endless Hordes + Gain +3 maximum team size, but your units can only hold 1 item and their total health is reduced by 20%. Gain 10 gold.

Executioner Circlet Gain an Executioner Emblem and a Rengar.

Executioner Crown Gain an Executioner Emblem, a Guardbreaker, and a Graves.

Exotech Circlet Gain an Exotech Emblem and a Mordekaiser.

Exotech Crown Gain an Exotech Emblem, a Guinsoo's Rageblade, and a Naafiri.

Final Reserves The first time you would be eliminated, you instead remain alive. After this happens, gain 70 XP and set your gold to 90. Excess gold is converted to XP.

Future Sight II You can see who you will fight next. Gain 2 Training Dummies, each equipped with a Zephyr or Shroud of Stillness.

Golden Ox Circlet Gain a Golden Ox Emblem and a Jarvan.

Golden Ox Crown Gain a Golden Ox Emblem, a Nashor's Tooth, and a Graves.

High End Shopping II Champions appear in your Shop as if you were 1 level higher. Gain 3 gold.

Lifelong Learning Your units gain 1.50% health every round. If they survive combat, they gain an additional 2.50 Ability Power and 2.50% Attack Damage.

Luden's Echo III Every 60 Mana spent, your units next instance of Ability damage deals an additional 100-250 (based on current Stage) magic damage to the target and a nearby enemy.

Marksman Circlet Gain a Marskman Emblem and a Jinx.

Marksman Crown Gain a Marksman Emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Jhin.

Pirates Your units have a rare chance to drop powerful loot when they kill an enemy champion.

Rapidfire Circlet Gain a Rapidfire Emblem and a Draven.

Rapidfire Crown Gain a Rapidfire Emblem, a Giant Slayer, and a Twisted Fate.

Scoped Weapons II Your units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain infinite Attack Range and 15% Attack Speed.

Share the Spotlight Gain a spotlight in the back corner of your board. All units in the spotlight gain 18% Damage Amp, 20% Omnivamp, and 2 Mana per second.

Shock Treatment+ Gain a Statikk Shiv and another after 3 player combats. Your Statikk Shivs grant 10% more Attack Speed and their chain lightning effects deal 40-125% more damage (based on stage level).

Slayer Circlet Gain a Slayer Emblem and a Jarvan.

Strategist Circlet Gain a Strategist Emblem and a Yuumi.

Strategist Crown Gain a Strategist Emblem, an Adaptive Helm, and an Ekko.

Street Demon Circlet Gain a Street Demon Emblem and a Jinx.

Street Demon Crown Gain a Street Demon Emblem, a Guardbreaker, and an Ekko.

Syndicate Circlet Gain a Syndicate Emblem and a Braum.

Syndicate Crown Gain a Syndicate Emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Darius.

Techie Circlet Gain a Techie Emblem and a Mordekaiser.

Techie Crown Gain a Techie Emblem, a Jeweled Gauntlet, and a Shyvana.

Think Fast Shop rerolls are free until the end of this round. Traits and other augments do not benefit from these free Shops. Gain 3 gold.

Titanic Strength Your team gains 1.25% of their max Health as Attack Damage and 1.25% of their max Health as Ability Power.

Unstable Evolution Your champions randomly gain one of the following when they are starred up: 300 Health, 30% Attack Speed, 30% Attack Damage, or 30 Ability Power.

Vanguard Circlet Gain a Vanguard Emblem and a Braum.

Wise Spending When you reroll your Shop, gain 3 XP. Gain 1 gold.

Woodland Charm Your highest Health champion is cloned. The clone has 25% bonus Health and 30% bonus Attack Speed.