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If playing Two Tanky, cut 2 brawlers and play 2x Nunu and 2x Rakan. Late game can move carry items off Soraka and onto Heimerdinger 2. If you are guaranteed Heimerdinger, anti-heal is less of a priority.
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Positioning example
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Stage 2
Play around Vladimir as an early item holder for Nunu. Avoid rushing 4 Renewer since it's weak early. Vlad 3 with 2x Archangel also very strong.
Stage 3
Add in 4 Brawler and give Nunu the Renewer emblem. Nunu 1 likely still too weak to fully carry so you may keep Vlad / item holder.
Stage 4
Level to 7 and roll until you hit Nunu 2 and Rakan 2. Econ up and slow roll above 50g for your 3*. Level for Heimer / 6 Renewer.
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