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Duelist Reroll
PLAYSTYLE: 1-Cost Reroll

You can force Duelist Chosen Yasuo because there is no Exile Chosen. Can also fuse this line with Duelist Kayle if you get emblem and Rageblades. Chosen: Yasuo or Kalista if you are reroll Kalista.
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Positioning example 

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Stage 2
Avoid leveling and econ up while holding copies of Yasuo. You likely will lose streak early. Sell 2-3 cost units to make econ if needed.
Stage 3
Slow roll above 50g at 3-1 for Yasuo 3, Jax 3, and copies of Kalista. Play 6 Duelist ASAP.
Stage 4
Finish your 3* and level. You can stay at 7 and roll for Kalista 3 or you can push levels for Adepts. Yone positioning can be a little awkward so be careful of Exile value.
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